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Posted by Regal Cinemas on Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Israel's Newest Threat
MK Feiglin Warns of a New Intifada in Jerusalem September 12, 2014 Israel National News reports:
“MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) visited eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount on Thursday with members of the Internal Affairs Committee, where he told Arutz Sheva that he is convinced the wave of terror in the capital will only increase in coming days. ‘The loss of control over Jerusalem, and by continuation also over Gaza, started on the Temple Mount,’ Feiglin said, while at the French Hill gas station that Arab rioters tried to explode on Sunday. Feiglin's comments come in the wake of the dismantling of a new access ramp to the Temple Mount in a folding to Jordanian pressure, and recommendations by MKs, including those of the Jewish Home, to maintain the status quo of de facto Jordanian Waqf (Islamic Trust) control. ‘The one who controls the Mount controls the land, and first of all (controls) Jerusalem,’ emphasized Feiglin to Arutz Sheva.
‘Whoever thought that they could abandon the Mount for over 40 years to Hamas and extremist Islam and conquer Jerusalem through the Zionist method of 'another sheep another dunam' (i.e. building) - I think we must understand now that they were wrong.’ Feiglin stressed that the Temple Mount is the center of Jerusalem, warning that many ‘still think we can take our Zionist actions in reverse, and that the Israeli leadership that ignores the Mount will advance us in the process of redemption and everything will be okay.’ However, the abandonment of the Mount and ‘depressed’ ending of Operation Protective Edge, in which decisive military action to remove the Hamas threat was not recorded, will only spur terror in Jerusalem according to the MK…”
Uncovered Lies of Censored 28 Pages of 9 11 Report
Russia to boost nuclear, space defence forces against U.S. September 11, 2014 SpaceDaily.com reports:
“Russia will respond to the United States' ‘prompt global strike’ programme designed to take out targets within an hour by upgrading its nuclear and space defence forces, its deputy prime minister said Wednesday. ‘Our response to the prompt global strike strategy is upgrading our strategic nuclear forces and resources -- the strategic rocket forces and the naval ones -- and also developing air and space defence resources according to the plans we have finalised,’ Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees defence, was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. He spoke after President Vladimir Putin held a government meeting on Russia's defence spending at which he accused Western countries of provoking the Ukraine crisis in order to ‘revive NATO.’ Using Cold War rhetoric, Putin complained of ‘new threats appearing’ including the buildup of NATO forces in eastern Europe, the development of the US missile shield in Europe and Alaska and the development of the 'Prompt Global Strike' programme.
‘The theory of the so-called global disarming strike is also being worked on,’ Putin said. The Pentagon's Prompt Global Strike programme is developing conventional weapons that could take out targets anywhere on the planet within an hour's notice…”
Army Admits Plan To Execute Americans En Masse
Special Report: Alex Jones reveals the US military's plans to subdue and kill Americans in civil disobedience protests.He reveals the documentation that proves how the protests in Ferguson MI, are just the start of martial law tactics in America.
August 29, 2014
Israel National News reports: “The fears of homegrown Islamic extremism striking the streets of England were heightened recently by the gruesome video of the beheading of James Foley, a US journalist murdered by a British Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorist in Syria.
That British IS jihadist is far from alone in the ranks of the extremist group that has conquered large portions of Iraq and Syria, declaring itself early last month as a caliphate. According to the UK's Home Office, 500 people associated with Britain have joined IS, and roughly half have returned to the UK.
Khalid Mahmood, a British MP based in Birmingham, estimates that in total at least 1,500 young British Muslims have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria in the last three years.
Two British IS fighters currently in Syria, Abu Bakr and Abu Anwar, were interviewed via a video feed by CNN as reported on Thursday, and revealed that the video of Foley's horrific murder is acting as a recruitment video.
Abu Anwar said he would be ‘more than honored’ to conduct a beheading like that of Foley, adding ‘I hope that Allah gives me a chance to do to James Foley to another enemy. My hands are ready to commit to this blessed act.’…”
Truth About Obama's ISIS Bombing Hoax Exposed
U.S. Planes Strike ISIL Artillery in Iraq
August 8, 2014
Voice of America News reports: “U.S. military aircraft have conducted a strike on Islamist militant artillery used against Kurdish forces defending Irbil, a Pentagon spokesman said Friday.
At 6:45 a.m. EST, two fighter jets dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a truck and the mobile artillery it was towing, according to the Pentagon's press secretary, Rear Admiral John Kirby.
Militants led by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant were using the artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Kurdish capital, where U.S. personnel including diplomats and military advisers also are stationed.
The raid came hours after President Barack Obama's Thursday-evening televised announcement that he had granted permission to strike if U.S. personnel and facilities were imperiled…”
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FYI CIA's Frozen Poison Dart Gun Revealed in Congressional Hearing How Many Have Been Killed
Israel National News reports: “The Palestinian Authority (PA) has called for ethnic cleansing against Jewish Israelis, after an official posted on Facebook to "drive the occupier out from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
Fatah Central Committee Member Tawfiq Tirawi posted a message to his official Facebook page reading, "O our free people of resolve and sacrifice in Gaza, you are more honored than us all... We remain committed to the promise: freedom, independence, and driving out the occupier from the entire pure land, from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea."
"Long live free Gaza!" he added. The post was translated by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
Tirwai has long been a proponent of violence against Israel, calling on Palestinians to take up arms shortly after the Hamas-Fatah "unity government" was declared in April.
In recent weeks, Fatah has called for violent "revolution" against Israel, and threatened the Jewish state by telling it to "prepare the body bags."…”
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#MH17 Instructed by Air Traffic Controllers to Divert Route before Crash
BBC News Reports:
Doubts are growing about the authenticity of an edict attributed to the Sunni Islamist group Isis controlling the Iraqi city of Mosul about female genital mutilation (FGM).
A top UN official quoted from a statement saying that Isis wanted all females aged between 11 and 46 in the northern city to undergo the procedure.
Jacqueline Badcock said the decree was of grave concern.
But media analysts say the decree seen on social media may be a fake.
It has typos and language mistakes and is signed by "The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant", a name the group no longer uses, instead referring to itself as the Islamic State.
Some bloggers suggest that the alleged fatwa, which has been circulated on social media for about two days, may have been aimed at discrediting Isis.
Iraq is facing a radical Isis-led insurgency, with Mosul and other cities in the north-west under militant control.
The ritual cutting of girls' genitals is practised by some African, Middle Eastern and Asian communities in the belief it prepares them for adulthood or marriage.
FGM poses many health risks to women, including severe bleeding, problems urinating, infections, infertility and increased risk of newborn deaths in childbirth.
The UN General Assembly approved a resolution in December 2012 calling for all member states to ban the practice.
Christians fled
Earlier, Ms Badcock warned that the alleged Isis edict could affect nearly four million women and girls in and around the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
The UN's resident and humanitarian co-ordinator in Iraq said the practice "is something very new for Iraq... and does need to be addressed".
She was talking to reporters via video link from the Kurdish provincial capital, Irbil.
Jenan Moussa, a correspondent for Dubai-based broadcaster Al AAan TV, said in a tweet that her contacts in Mosul had not heard of the edict.
Isis militants seized Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, in June, and have since taken over areas of the north-west and closed in on cities near Baghdad.
The group forced Christians in Mosul out of the city earlier this week and daubed their houses with the Arabic letter N to mark them out as Christians, apparently confiscating their properties, BBC Arab affairs editor Lina Sinjab says.
Ms Badcock said only 20 families from the ancient Christian minority now remain in Mosul, which Isis has taken as the capital of its Islamic state.
Thousands have fled into Kurdish-controlled territory in the north.
Some of the Christians who remained have converted to Islam, while others have opted to stay and pay the "jiyza", the tax imposed by Isis on non-Muslims, the UN official added.
Isis announced last month that it was creating an Islamic caliphate covering the land it holds in Iraq and Syria.
Female genital mutilation
Includes "the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons"
Practised in 29 countries in Africa and some countries in Asia and the Middle East
An estimated three million girls and women worldwide are at risk each year
About 125 million victims estimated to be living with the consequences
It is commonly carried out on young girls, often between infancy and the age of 15
Often motivated by beliefs about what is considered proper sexual behaviour, to prepare a girl or woman for adulthood and marriage and to ensure "pure femininity"Source: World Health Organization
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The Harbinger Decoded - Jonathan Cahn
Is there an ancient mystery that lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the American economy a mystery going back over two and half thousand years to the last days of ancient Israel? Could this mystery foretell modern events down to the exact days and hours and reveal statements from American leaders even before they were spoken? Is America in danger of destruction? And is it all happening according to a key given by an ancient prophet?
Now, viewers can go deeper and actually see for themselves the nine Harbingers of national judgment that have appeared on American soil and hear American leaders pronounce the ancient and ominous words of judgment upon the nation. Viewers can see all of the nine Harbingers in visual form as well as such revelations as the mystery of the Shemitah, the mystery ground, and much more, including things never before seen on DVD.
The Harbinger Decoded features Jonathan Cahn as he uncovers and decodes the mystery with a stunning array of footage of the unfolding mystery. .
Leaked report reveals 'aggressive Islamist ethos' in Birmingham schools
July 18, 2014
ChristianToday.com reports:
A government investigation into the "Trojan Horse" controversy in Birmingham schools will release its findings today, reportedly revealing a "coordinated, deliberate and sustained action to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamist ethos".
Though the findings are not due to be released until later today, a leaked draft of the report was procured by the Guardian newspaper. It has printed comments from the report written by Peter Clarke, former deputy assistant commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police and leader of the Counter Terrorism Command.
According to Clarke, the inquiry found a "sustained and coordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools the segregationist attitudes and practices of a hard-line and politicised strain of Sunni Islam".
"Left unchecked, it would confine children within an intolerant, inward-looking monoculture that would severely inhibit their participation in the life of modern Britain," he notes.
Though no evidence of terrorism has been found, the report does indicate "very clear evidence that young people are being encouraged to accept unquestionably a particular hard-line strand of Sunni Islam that raises concerns about their vulnerability to radicalisation in the future".
The results follow concerns that radicalised Islamists are promoting an extremist form of the faith among British young people, though the schools in question have repeatedly denied the allegations.
Former education secretary Michael Gove, who was demoted to chief whip earlier this week, recently warned that Britain must step up its defences to counteract the rise of Islamic extremism across the country, insisting that "liberal values are our best protector".
His approach to the controversy has been criticised, however, as many suggested that treating it as an issue of terrorism rather than of localised school governance merely served to increase tensions. Birmingham MP Shabana Mahmood has thus called on his successor, Nicky Morgan, to deal with it in a more appropriate manner.
Mahmood told the Birmingham Mail: "What we had under the previous regime was a complete unwillingness to engage in an evidence based discussion about what has really been going on in Birmingham schools.
"Michael Gove's belief in the 'conveyor belt' from religious conservatism to extremism meant that the whole Trojan Horse debacle has been seen through the prism of national security, rather than through the prism of good governance.
"I sincerely hope to meet Nicky Morgan as soon as possible so that we can make rapid progress on the job of fixing the governance issues in a few Birmingham schools, rather than spending valuable time trying to fix a problem of extremism in schools which simply does not exist."
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby recently suggested that a "national culture of fear" has gripped the UK with regard to Islam.
"I think we're in danger of slipping into a very fearful culture in which we see everyone against us and us against everyone and we're constantly trying to defend ourselves. This country is much bigger than that, and much better than that," he told Andrew Marr.
"I think we've been becoming too hysterical about this subject for some considerable period, and it is a worry because we have huge differences with Islam as Christians, but that is absolutely no reason for hostility, quite the reverse."
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Extra Extra Breaking News Federal Reserve's steps toward removing USA economy from life support
July 17, 2014
Israel National News reports: “In a special interview on CNN Wednesday night, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett said that incidents such as the killing of four children on a Gaza beach earlier Wednesday were entirely the fault of Hamas – and were no accident. ‘I think it is terrible that Hamas is butchering its own children like this,’ Bennett told senior CNN correspondent Wolf Blitzer. ‘I would never take my children and place them next to rocket missile launchers,’ knowing that it was likely to be targeted by the IDF, he said.
‘Hamas is conducting massive self-genocide, taking women and children and placing them next to missile launchers,’ said Bennett. The fact that the kids were playing on the beach is irrelevant, said Bennett, because ‘we find these launchers all over, at the beach, in hospitals and homes. You have the living room and the missile launching room.
‘What they are deliberately doing is seeking to kill as many Palestinians as possible in order to yell to the world to ‘Help us,’ ‘ Bennett said. ‘This is cynical and this is cowardly. If you want to send terrorists to fight Israel, send terrorists, not women and children.’
‘If someone is shooting at you, you will shoot back,’ Bennett told Blitzer. ‘If that coward is hiding behind his children, they might get hit. This whole thing can go away in one moment, if Hamas stops shooting. The moment they disarm themselves, we stop attacking.’…”
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Former ISIS Jihadist: 'The Brutality of ISIS Terrifies Everyone'
July 16, 2014
Breitbart.com reports: “A man who had left the terrorist jihadist group Islamic State, formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), tells the BBC that the terrorist group uses young, brainwashed foreign men to impose a very specific, oppressive form of Sharia law-- and kill anyone who stands in its way.
The man, who did not give his name and hid his face from BBC's reporters for fear of himself or his family--still in Syria--being killed, explained the ISIS philosophy simply: ‘If you're against me, then you'll be killed. If you're with me, you work with me. You submit to my will and obey me, under my power in all matters.’
Unlike many who join ISIS directly, this man says that he had previously joined an extremist wing of the Free Syrian Army to combat Bashar al-Assad and establish an Islamic state in Syria. His brigade then pledged allegiance to ISIS, incorporating him automatically into the terrorist group.
He says he found himself shocked when he was forced into ISIS training, and the version of Islam being imposed was too radical for him. The jihadist group teaches, he explains, ‘not the principles of Islam, the principles of the Islamic State. So they teach you the Islam they want... it appeals to the heart and not to the mind, so that your heart becomes impassioned with their words.’…”
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Don't Listen Then Pay The Price!!! 10 Things the Elite Are Planning for You in the Next 4 Years 2013 2016
July 15, 2014
Voice of America News reports: “Afghan authorities say a suicide blast has killed at least 89 people in eastern Afghanistan.
Defense Ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir Azimi says the bomber detonated his explosives-laden vehicle Tuesday near a crowded market in the Urgun district of Paktika province. Azimi said more than 42 others have been wounded in the attack.
Authorities say the bomber set off the blast while being pursued by police.
Several shops were destroyed in the massive explosion, with people trapped under the rubble.
There are no immediate claims of responsibility, but the Taliban issued a statement denying involvement in the attack.
Paktika province borders the restive tribal region of Pakistan, where the Pakistani military is conducting an offensive against Pakistani Taliban and other al-Qaida-linked militants…”
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Obama - False Flags - New World Order

July 11, 2014
The National Post reports: “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on Hamas to end its hail of rockets on Israel as Israeli leaders signalled they were preparing to invade the Gaza Strip to stop the barrages.
Mr. Abbas spoke Thursday as the Palestinian death toll from three days of intensified Israeli air strikes in Hamas-controlled Gaza neared 90.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised address there would be ‘additional phases’ to the military operation and that a ‘difficult, complex’ battle lies ahead.
‘What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?’ Mr. Abbas asked on Palestine TV, without explicitly naming Hamas, which recently lent its backing to his government after a seven-year rift. ‘We prefer to fight with wisdom and politics.’
It was the first time he has openly criticized Hamas for firing hundreds of rockets into Israel over the past month. The public nature of his critique may further strain his political alliance with the hardline Islamists, which has already developed cracks over finances and his denunciation of the abduction of three Israeli teenagers, whose killing Israel has blamed on the militant group…”
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Judgement On America - If Anything Has Ever Been Confirmed In My Spirit This Has! Watch! Repent! and Pray!!!
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Truth You Need To Know: Obama Seeks $500 Million to Arm Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorists
in Iraq jihadist takeover
June 27, 2014
WND.com reports: “As the world watches al-Qaida-inspired ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, continue its drive to Baghdad, some analysts who are closely monitoring the impact on Christians see a bright spot.
AssyrianChristians.com writer Amir George declares that something ‘we never believed could be
possible is coming out of this.’
possible is coming out of this.’
‘A Christian area on the Nineveh plain is forming, and it looks like it may be a safe, self-governing area where Christians can live freely,’ George said.

It’s now being protected by a 5,000-member security force of Christians and Kurds, he said…”
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Truth Comes Out CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Really Think Alqaeda Was Behind It?
The Times of Israel reports: “At least 48 people were killed overnight when suspected Al-Shabab militants from Somalia attacked hotels, restaurants and government offices in a Kenyan coastal town, police and the Red Cross reported Monday.
‘The death toll has risen to 48,’ the organization said on its Twitter feed, as local officials said security forces were still searching for victims of the attack.
‘The number of bodies taken to the mortuary is 47, while one has died in hospital,’ a local police officer also said.
A member of the local police was also confirmed as being among the dead.
Heavily armed gunmen stormed into the town of Mpeketoni, near the coastal island and popular tourist resort of Lamu, late on Sunday.
District deputy commissioner Benson Maisori said several buildings including hotels, restaurants, banks and government offices were burned down…”
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FEMA Warns Prepare For Atlantic Impact Repent Be Ready Many Will Die
U.S. aid 'spawning new breed of jihadists'
June 12, 2014
WND.com reports: “Concern is mounting that increased aid the Obama administration has promised so-called ‘moderate’ Syrian rebel forces, who largely have been taken over by Muslim militant fighters, not only could go to the extreme al-Qaida-authorized Jabhat al-Nusra but also the renegade al-Qaida group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (Syria), which is wreaking havoc in Iraq, informed sources here tell WND.
The assistance given to date hasn’t done much for ‘moderates’ on the battlefield in Syria, who have been outnumbered by the al-Qaida-linked groups.
In addition, increasing numbers of European jihadists have gone to Syria to join al-Nusra and ISIS, which here is also known as DAASH – Dulat-al-Islamfi al-Iraq wal-Sham.
According to regional experts, ISIS is heavily financed by Saudi money. One source said that the Saudis recently allocated some $300 million from oil funds to reconstruct the civil infrastructure of the Syrian city of Aleppo, using ISIS as the prime contractor.
In addition to more than 2,000 Europeans, Central Europeans and North Africans, there are an increasing number of Americans who are joining the two groups in Syria, where training camps have been set up for them…”
Obama Sold Out America Trading His Muslim Brothers For A Traitor
Militants Claim Mass Execution of Iraqi Soldiers June 15, 2014 The New York Times reports: “Militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria boasted on Twitter that they had executed 1,700 Iraqi government soldiers, posting gruesome photos to support their claim. The authenticity of the photographs and the insurgents’ claim could not be verified, and Iraqi government officials initially cast doubt on whether such a mass execution took place. There were also no reports of large numbers of funerals in the Salahuddin Province area, where the executions were said to have been conducted.
If the claim is true, it would be the worst mass atrocity in either Syria or Iraq in recent years, surpassing even the chemical weapons attacks in the Syrian suburbs of Damascus last year, which killed 1,400 people and were attributed to the Syrian government…”
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Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are within 100 kilometers of Baghdad, having taken control of several towns and cities in northern Iraq in recent days. Iraqi army units have abandoned their posts and fled ahead of the militants’ advance.
But speaking Thursday, Iraq’s foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, insisted that ISIL forces had been halted north of the capital.
‘The situation started to be reversed and the Iraqi security forces have managed to re-organize and to push them back,’ said Zebari.
ISIL grew out of al-Qaida in Iraq. Their stated aim is to create a single Sunni Islamic state across the region…”
Breaking News Defense Department Testifies To Weather Manipulation
Defense Experts Warn Israel of Possible ISIS Threat
June 13, 2014
Israel National News reports: “As the battle rages between Islamists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and Iraqi forces, the US, EU, and UN have begun to take notice - and Middle Eastern leaders are expressing concern for their safety.
But how far can the battle reach?
On Friday, former Israeli intelligence expert Jacques Neriah suggested in a CNN interview that Israel must prepare itself for the eventuality that the battle could reach the shores of Tel Aviv - despite the fact that the fighting rages more than 915 kilometers (595 miles) away.
According to Neriah, the current crisis in the Middle East has made Israel relatively quiet, and could buy the IDF time to prepare.
‘Everyone is busy killing one another in the Arab world - it gives Israel a 'time out' to reorganize and to prepare itself for the long run,’ Neriah stated.

Analysts have noted that the real threat to Israel's security would not be a direct assault from ISIS, which would have to overcome the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Syria, re-mobilize, and then launch an attack from Israel's northern neighbor to succeed.
The real threat from the ISIS stems from its reputation, as its success could spur increased terror activity from ISIS-affiliated groups in Gaza and the Sinai desert…”
"Mark Of The Beast" RFDI Chip Obamacare Beware Antichrist
June 11, 2014
Voice of America News reports: “The Obama administration says Syrian-based militants who have seized control of the Iraqi city of Mosul present a broader regional threat that needs a more unified Iraqi government to subdue.

Psaki says the loss of Iraq's second largest city along with other parts of Nineveh province show a serious deterioration of Iraqi security and a resurgent ISIL threat that benefits from political divisions among Iraqi Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds.
‘The threat that ISIL is presenting is not just a threat to Iraq or the stability of Iraq, but it is a threat to the region. And this growing menace exemplifies the importance of Iraqis from all communities working together to confront this common enemy,’ she said…”
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Red Dragon of Revelation
The biggest question is, what are they hiding? Also take note that of all places for this to be, Is between the legs of the Virgin!
One World Religion The Antichrist And False Prophet Taking GOD Out Of The Bible (crislam)

According to the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency, Abbas made the statements during a visit of French solidarity activists in Ramallah. He reportedly said that the unity government should be formed by Monday, and would be ‘composed of independents and experts, not members of Fatah or Hamas or any other organization.’ Abbas stressed that the PA was taking ‘Israeli threats’ seriously and would be prepared to respond if Israel followed through and cut ties with the PA. ‘We will take things step by step and we will not be the ones who initiative. We will respond against any action. When Israel decides to prevent us from (accessing) the money that it collects on our behalf -- as opposed to the three percent that it takes (currently) that is not their right -- we will have a response,’ he threatened…”
Antichrist And The Building Of The Third Temple
The Third Temple will soon be rebuilt in Jerusalem. We discuss Israel's Seven year Peace Treaty, which will be signed with the Antichrist, which begins the final seven years of tribulation. This results in Jerusalem being Conquered and the Antichrist setting himself up on the Temple Mount and being proclaimed the Messiah. We discuss how the Antichrist will be like Antiochus Epiphanes and the truth behind Sharia law. Also more on the Mark of the Beast and its Islamic Connection.
Noah Movie HD Official Full Version
In the time of Noah, people were going about their daily lives, not mindful of the impending destruction. Like them, are we ignoring warnings of God's coming judgment? The Bible gives us clear signs of the last days. Did you know the Scriptures say we will see:
• Flippant use of God's name
• Money-hungry preachers and rampant hypocrisy in the church
• Wars and rumors of wars
• Denial of a global flood
But surely no educated person could believe that Noah and his ark ever really existed. Wouldn't it be impossible to fit millions of species of animals into one boat? And what evidence is there (if any) for a worldwide catastrophic flood? However...what if it did all happen exactly as the Bible says? What would that mean? Who was Noah, and why is the amazing account of his life so relevant to you in the 21st century? Don't be caught unaware. Time may be very short. Will you be ready?
A movie by Ray Comfort. This is not the Russell Crowe film.
Obama's CIA Runs Boko Haram
Alex Jones breaks down how Boko Haram is run by the CIA, how it's used to destabilize the surrounding region and give foreign governments an excuse to intervene and seize valuable assets.
You Can Be Set Free Today

Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven. This shows that the Son is far greater than the angels, just as the name God gave him is greater than their names.
So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it. For the message God delivered through angels has always stood firm, and every violation of the law and every act of disobedience was punished.
So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak? And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever
Is There any Sin To Great That Can't Be Forgiven?
Have you ever been caught in the act of doing something wrong? It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when we will do or say something that we wish had never said or done. Pastor Greg takes a look at a story of a women caught in the act of adultery. Under the law she could have been put to death by stoning. Fortunately because of GODS grace she did not get what she deserved she was brought before Jesus. What could have been the worst and last day of her life turned out to be the best. This story shows us that we can be forgiven, our sins can be forgotten, and we can be free.
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The Peace Of Jerusalem: "When Will It Happen"
US Secretary of State John Kerry has met with the Palestinian president for the first time since peace talks with Israel collapsed last month.
The talks with Mahmoud Abbas took place at a London hotel.
A US official sought to downplay the meeting, saying Mr Kerry was in the UK for meetings on Syria and Ukraine.
Peace talks broke down last month after Israel was angered by a unity deal between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas.
Correspondents say Mr Kerry is trying to keep the Palestinian leader committed to the peace process, which fell apart after nine months of talks.
"The door remains open to the peace process. The secretary continues to believe that," a senior state department official said before Mr Kerry left Washington.
"But the purpose of the meeting is more about our ongoing relationship with the Palestinian people." BBC News 5/14/2014
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